Your 2024 'Annual Studio Biz Planning Workshop' is here! 


Imagine what your studio would look like if you had a plan, achieving your goals and everything you strive for in 2024?


Perhaps you already have systems in place and a solid plan for your studio business every year, but chances are that those goals and plans have been pushed aside.

I bet you had great intentions, however time got the better of you and that dedication you initially placed in goal setting somehow became rushed, as you by-passed your goals. Somehow work tasks became on-going, dreams were overlooked or pushed aside, and your priorities got lost when life started getting in the way.

It happens! But there is hope.

Do you have a big picture for your studio?

We are already at the end of 2023 (time flies right?)... so don't let 2024 slip away from you. You've got this!

If you want to have a profitable and sustainable studio business, committing to writing a plan is the first critical step in moving forward towards your dream studio and desired business environment. 

You need to dedicate real time to set achievable goals.

I have been doing strategic Annual Plans and 90 Day Planning Sessions independently in my business for a decade.

Great planning (and implementation) has helped me go from servicing 12 students in my early days, to hundreds of students a year and achieving a comfortable multi 6 figure studio business, where I pay myself a salary and have financial stability and joy in my life.

A great plan is the key ingredient to achieving your goals and I can show you EXACTLY how I do it (all on one page).

Yes! This is not an essay but rather a tangible resource and easy process you can use over and over again in your biz.

In my workshop, I will give you my PDF Templates. Together we will work them so you can create yours LIVE.

This is a DOING event, so you can walk away from the workshop with a plan for your studio ready to go for 2024!

My workshop, is going to take you to the next level in your business and give your studio the makeover you both want and deserve.

Feeling overwhelmed right now? I get it!

That is why you need this planning session, to unravel the overwhelm and to step into clarity.

Build the studio YOU want in 2024 and beyond. Let's do this!

I will show you not only how to goal set effectively, but also give you the tools to create realistic and sustainable timelines for each goal, so you can TAKE massive and immediate ACTION!









Secure Your Place at the Workshop